It's Not Just Phone Radiations, Smartphones has other means too, to harm our emotional and mental health

Today we use smartphones in every possible moment of life; it makes our life easy in every imaginable situation from managing professional contacts, to ordering food, to getting navigational assistance, to paying bills etc. But have you ever wondered, what is the price we would pay if we turn completely dependent or addicted to our smartphones? Smartphones can increase the chances of sleep disorders, lack of concentration, slows a child's socio-emotional growth, can cause compulsive nature etc.

Psychologist Shivani Misri Sadhoo suggests that apart from harmful phone radiations; smartphones and tablets has other ways too, to harm our mental & emotional health.

1.       Smartphone Causes sleep disorder: When a person stares at the backlit portable screen of the phone or tablet, it shines short-wavelength, blue light, into the eyes. This stimulates the brain, telling it to stay alert and when Smartphone is used extensively post evening time, the chances are high that body will not release the hormone melatonin, essential for maintaining body’s biological clock. Hence depending on the person’s body sooner or later the chances are very high that person will suffer from the sleep disorder. Prolonged inadequate sleep, not only degenerate the brain cells, but it also causes high blood pressure and heart-related diseases.

2.      Smartphones affects’ the social and emotional development of child: when a metropolitan child (generally  they are burdened with school homework) is regularly allowed to play with smartphones, their opportunity to learn from face to face interactions or from physical activities get shorter. This affects their brain development as well as hinders their socio-emotional growth.

3.      A smartphone gives an instant access to social networking sites and emails; these features sometimes can build compulsion among a person to constantly keep checking updates and emails. Such a compulsion can create lack of concentration, unnecessary mood swing (if the person find an unpleasant update or email at wrong hours of the day, like before sleep).
