We all know stress kills a person by causing diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, anxiety, depression so on and so forth. But do you know there is Good Stress too, which offers you opportunities to grow in life?
Today Shivani Misri Sadhoo, an eminent psychologist in South Delhi, tells you the differences between good and bad stress and will share how to identify them.
First, what is Bad Stress?
Bad stress is associated with a person’s perception that he or she has no control over their worries or destiny. Since such a stress is perceived with no solution, they become chronic and lead to all kind of deadly diseases. This stress can be named as bad, chronic, never-ending or always hanging on the shoulders stress.
What is Good Stress?
Good stress is associated with a situation where a person worries along with “knowing the solution” and puts sincere efforts to solve the problem. Such a stress generally expands the life skill and professional possibilities of the person. Generally good stress comes with positive an attitude like proactiveness and desire for self-improvement.
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