In next two to three months we are going to cover ourselves with woolens
and jackets. Winters are, no doubt, an exciting time of the year for adults and
as well as for children. Kids relate winters with Christmas, New Year
celebrations and with their winter holidays. However this is also the time when
dense cloud covers, fog and smog reduces the ultraviolet rays reaching
the skin.
Hence parents should take extra care during winters that their kids get
sufficient sunlight every day to produce Vitamin D in their body. Recent
studies have found out that serotonin, oxytocin and vasopressin – three brain
hormones that affect social behaviour – are all activated by Vitamin D.
These hormones help in shaping the structure and wiring of the brain -
where it shapes the structure and wiring of the brains, acts as a
neurotransmitter and affect the social behaviour.
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