Tips to Move your Focus from Negativity to Self-Belief

Our mind has a tendency to react strongly and memorize negative incidences in life than to positive ones.  For example, we tend to remember bad and hurting words from our friends or relatives more than the genuine smiles and their kind & encouraging words.

Keeping stored the negative information while not prioritizing the positive may not do any immediate harm in life but if the tendency remains unchecked, then the person is likely to develop this attitude into a habit that can result into endless number of physical and psychological diseases like – high blood pressure, heart problem, anxiety, depression and stress.

As per Shivani Misri Sadhoo, an eminent psychologist in Delhi, nobody has control over unpleasant situations but everyone does have the option to maintain a healthy mind and mood. She shares some basic tips that can help a person to shift their focus of life from negativity to self-belief.

1. Ask yourself better questions: Some people deal negative situations by complaining about what they don’t want or like. They blame others or they get stuck with wrong self-questions like why this happened to me. Instead, ask yourself: “how I have put myself in this bad situation?”, “how could I have avoided it? Asking these empowering questions will help you to find solutions and move out of bad emotions.

2. In times of adversities focus on major areas of life: when you confront adversities and negative situation, make yourself remember your career goals, relationships, family, spiritual beliefs. Identify your life priorities and future possibilities.

3. Evaluate negative situations before emotionally reacting to them: Try to see how much difference a negative incidence can make in your life. Is your investments in your anger or sorrow really worth another person’s limitations like other person’s miss-judgements or bad intentions?

4. Accept good things in life: Many a time people stop accepting good things in their life or they turn blind eye towards their positive side of life, when they suffer pain and discouraging feelings.  Accept life the way it is; make yourself remember that nothing is permanent in our life, neither your happiness nor your sorrows. More we focus on the positives, the faster and better will be our chances to recover from bad phases of life.
