Things You Don’t Know About SAD

Finally, the chilled winters have arrived in Delhi and in other parts of Northern India. The beautiful bright and warm days seem to get replaced with cloudy and foggy time. Possibly, chilled winter wind will arrive in Delhi in next 2-3 days. While some perceive winter as a festive time, an opportunity to wear the colourful jackets, woollens, enjoys night inside a warm blanket, others feel that they are being suffocated by a literally colourless existence. It’s the time of the year when a lot of people suffer from winter depression. 

Today, Psychologist Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares from unknown facts about Seasonal Affective Disorder.

1.    As per recent studies, 60% to 90% of people who suffer from SAD are women. If you are a female between 15 and 55, you are more likely to develop SAD than men. However, men too are prone to SAD.

2. Even though harsh cold wind and dark fog seem to be a major cause of uncontrolled sadness, but, in reality, SAD is related more to daylight, not the temperate. Lack of sunlight increases the body’s production of a body chemical called melatonin, which regulates sleep in the human body.

3. SAD is curable or the suffering can be reduced both with the help of medicines and therapy.

4. If you have a friend or loved one who suffers from SAD, you can help them by.
a.  Spend more time with the person who is suffering from winter depression. However sufferer may insist on staying alone, avoid company or may react rudely to you but remember, it’s the depression that make them irritated.
b.  Go outside and do something together eg taking a walk, or exercising. Get them to spend some time outside in the natural sunlight. Just remember to bundle up!

c  Take the person to a mental heath expert in case the winter depression persists.
