Secrets of keeping your personal power with yourself.

A husband complains that his Sunday depends on his wife’s mood, an employee complaint's against his enthusiasm in office is dead due to an uncanny colleague; it seems as though almost everyone at some point of time or all the time, has given someone else power over the way they think, feel, or behave. Today, psychologist Shivani Sadhoo Misri shares some tips to keep your personal power.

1. Establish Self standards

Refusing to speak, maintaining an angry look, talking loudly; think hard, in all these process you give someone else the power of how you react, behave and feel. Rather than blame others for wasting your time or forcing you to do something, recognize that you're in charge of yourself. Establish healthy physical and emotional boundaries that give you control over how you spend your time and whom you spend it with.

2. Don't waste energy complaining.

Problem-solving and problem complaining are two different ends of our approach to any problem. Venting to your friends, family, and co-workers keep you focused on the problem and prevents you from creating a solution. Grumbling not only implies you have no power over your situation but also shows you lack power over your attitude. 

3. Practice forgiveness.

Holding a grudge against someone, who has hurt or insulted you, doesn't punish that person but it does punish you. When you waste valuable time thinking about a person you feel who wronged you, it takes away your ability to enjoy the moment. Forgiving someone is the best way to take back your power. But to be clear, forgiveness isn't about saying what the person did was OK. Instead, it's about choosing to let go of the hurt and anger that interferes with your ability to enjoy life.
