How to Beat Insomnia?

Countless people in India today suffer from insomnia, i.e. the difficulty to sleep when they get the opportunity to sleep. Blame it on a today’s complex lifestyle or the professional pressure, but the fact is, many of us are faced with a lack of sound sleep. Today, an eminent psychologist in Delhi Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares tips on how to beat insomnia.

1. Set a standard bedtime and wake-up time. When we go to bed and get up at about the same time each day, our bodies and brains learn to expect sleep at the appropriate time. Hence, the first step to fight insomnia is to set a standard go to bed and wake up time.
2. Stick to the sleep schedule regardless of how you sleep each night.  How does it work? if you sleep less and still you get up on time, you're actually increasing your chances of sleeping well the next night.
3. Generally, avoid naps during the day. Time spent awake is an investment in good sleep. Skipping the nap makes it more likely that you’ll be having a sound sleep at night.

4. Don’t use external agents like alcohol to sleep. Alcohol doesn’t put anyone to good sleep, it simply knocks off the addicted person un-unconscious and gradually destroys the person's vital organs.
