Three secrets to effective leadership

Why is that only a few employees climb organizational hierarchy, all the way to the top and most don’t? What are those things that ones who rise to the top tend to do differently than others? Psychologist & Corporate Counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares three behaviors that characterize excellent leaders.

Leader should avoid psychological traps:

One temptation that some leaders face is the desire to show social dominance and intelligence as much as possible. Extroversion, confidence, higher IQ, foresight are traits of good leaders, but these are not traits to be always displayed, especially in team discussions, where receiving subordinate’s views and opinion matters.

If the leader falls into the psychological trap to display superiority , he/she may stop his/her team to open up and express freely and that might harm the organization as workers may not be willing to come up with innovative ideas and creative thoughts.

Leader builds effective team

One of the biggest challenges that organizational leaders face is whom to place where in a team.  Do you want individuals who are highly motivated and conscientious?  What about creative people?  Or socially outgoing people?  Effective leaders should build groups with diversity in skills and personality.

Recognizing Mistakes

Generally, people don’t want to admit their mistakes out of fear which they assume a sign of their weakness. Normal people mistakes usually affect themselves or to their limited surroundings but a leader’s mistake can cost the whole organization or department and that could involve many people. Hence, a skilled leader needs to recognize his/her mistakes early and never shy away to admit and correct it well in time.
