People who suffer from low self-esteem can’t imagine they are not good enough or worthy, then how can they get convinced a loving partner can choose them?

Low self-esteem for long has stopped people from finding the right life partner or it has sabotaged romantic relationships and put relationships repeatedly to test or even destroyed wonderful couples. Unfortunately, in most cases, none of the partners ever realise the real reason for the decline in the health of their bond. Relationship Counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo tells us how low self-esteem can destroy romantic relationships and a few tips to identify them.

1.          Guard them: Poor self-esteem can make people hesitant and afraid of allowing themselves to be loved with fear that they may be abandon by their partner. This attitude if over practiced, won’t allow the person to find the right person in their life and it may also stop them to open up in their relationship when required.

2.          Develops insecurity: When one suffers from low self-esteem, the person finds it difficult to believe that they could truly be loved and develops the tendency to keep on testing their partner, how they demonstrate their love in every possible action and on every occasion. Such an attitude is both annoying and irritating for the partner and puts the other person on the edge of their patience to walk out.

3.          Seeking Insecurity: Unfortunately, sometimes people who suffer from low self-esteem, make themselves so habituated with situations that causes poor self-worth like – being left alone, being cheated etc… they tend to get pulled towards relationships in which they are able to feel these familiar insecurities. Some part of their mind starts to believe that insecurity in a relationship is natural or has to be there and fighting relationship insecurity is a vital work of a healthy relationship.  When it’s not there, they may even create it. If the relationship becomes too secure, they may become disinterested and bored and may stray.
