Some Psychology Tricks Everyone Can Use to Win in Life

Our world is largely comprised of our day to day interactions with people around us. One of the awesome things about psychology is that it can be used by everyone to understand their own and other’s behaviour and interaction better. Psychologist Shivani Misri Sadhoo, shares a few ways where you can use psychology to win in life.

Always emphasize on the first and last action you do, it is the key to build a strong impression in your professional and personal world. It has been found under the psychological study of ‘serial positioning effect’ that in a sequence of events, the first and last things we do are going to stick in people's memory better than events in the middle.

1. Take clues from person’s feet before you start a conversation in a social gathering: If you are in a party and you are wondering if you should proceed and meet the group of people for conversation then a good way of judging the situation is to observe the person’s feet. People unconsciously stand with their feet pointing away from someone if they are disinterested in them vice a verse they stand with their feet pointing toward you if they are probably interested in you as a person (either socially or romantically).

2. Try to make yourself happy & excited before you meet someone special or important (but don’t over express) and chances are very high that the person will remember you with positive notes and would like to talk to you when you meet him/her next time. People respond to social cues. When you are happy and enthusiastic, this does tend to rub off on people, to an extent.

3. If someone is angry at you, you should try to be calm. This holds better chances for you to communicate your points more effectively when the person’s temper has cooled down. As hard as it is, when someone is screaming and abusing you, the best thing to do is to just remain cool and calm. The mismatch between your emotional state and theirs will cause them to feel even more upset, and later, a bit embarrassed.

4. Nod your head when people are talking to you, it indicates to them that you are genuinely interested in what they are saying, and will cause them to like you more. 
