Tips to Stay Mentally Healthy

Enjoying mental health means having a sense of well-being, being able to function day to day’s work efficiently and feeling confident while you grow in your life.  It affects how we think, feel, and act and in short our good mental health is one vital key to our happiness. Today Psychologist Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares some simple tips that will help us boost our wellbeing and stay mentally healthy:

1.  Connect with people. The quality of our personal relationships has a great effect on our wellbeing. Putting time and effort to develop and maintain strong bond with people around us, especially with those who matter to us is a very important factor to stay mentally fit.
2.  Love yourself and take care of yourself by developing good eating and sleeping habits so your brain can get adequate nutrition and sufficient sleep to stay healthy.
3.  Take time to enjoy. Watch movies, do rafting, go to places near sea, read your favourite book in fact leave no store unturned to make yourself happy, after all you have got is just one life.
4.   Volunteer your time for a cause or issue that you care about. Help out a friend in need, feed the hungry people, join a NGO. It brings immense joy to bring a smile on others, remember no money can ever buy you blissful happiness.
5.  Learn a new skill: If you don’t want yourself to die with boredom , then build a habit to learn new skills and new challenges all the time. It could be anything like as simple as learning swimming or going to Himalayas on your bike or as simple as reaching office everyday on time.

6.  Live for this moment. Don’t fall in the trap of thinking about your past or fearing about future. Learn to live for the present moment. Simply ‘be’ in the moment – feel the sun and wind on your face and the air you are breathing. Making a conscious effort to be aware of your inner and outer world is important for your mental health.
