Positivity can blossom every aspect of your life, it acts as a silent worker that gradually uplifts your emotional, spiritual and physical well-being. Positivity means to perceive every situation (including adverse) in life as a learning experience and not letting yourself get defeated by bad times and limitations.
Bringing positivity in your life is a conscious choice, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin. Many people want to grow and improve but don’t always have a specific goal in mind. Psychologist Shivani Misri Sadhoo, say that’s no problem; just having the intention of seeking positive change can help propel you forward. Here are some steps to get you started on the road to positive change.
Start the day with a positive mindset.
When you get up from your bed, make it a habit to tell yourself in mirror that, “whatever the day brings to me, I will face every situation with a positive frame of mind. It is very much possible that all events, throughout day may or may not go as I have planned, but I commit to myself that I will not get too upset, too fearful in any situation and will chose to take action with a positive mind”.
Practice Forgiveness
Remember everyone make mistakes, including yourself, if you hold grudges then its you who is getting emotionally exhausted. Research shows holding onto anger can harm your well-being; it's much healthier to let it go. Practicing forgiveness can lead to less stress and anxiety, boosts your heart health and alleviates your self-esteem.
Practice Gratitude.
Be grateful for and focus on the good things you have in your life. Many of us get in the habit of sweating the 'small stuff' and let it get in the way of appreciating the important things such as family, friends, good health, freedom and the many opportunities we enjoy. When we get caught up in the small stuff, it downplays the fact that we really do have so much to be grateful for.
Never miss the opportunity to appreciate:
Practice that you regularly acknowledge, tell your spouse, your family members and friends, how much you appreciate them. Just as we enjoy a nice compliment now and then, it improves our mood to know a loved one appreciates us. Quite often we take those we are closest to us, for granted.
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