How to Make People Like You?

Everyone wants to get liked by others, be it your partner, kids, parents, colleagues, friends, clients, boss and so on. Similarly, it get’s painful and disturbing when we are being misunderstood by others. Today Psychologist and Relationship Counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares some important tips on how to make people like you:
1. Remember nobody likes the company of an eccentric person:a person who is always occupied in his/ her own world and primarily talks only about themselves . People will appreciate you more if you become genuinely interested and concerned about others.
2. Never forget the power of a smile, everyone like to meet and talk to the person who never forgets to give them a genuine smile.
3.Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language. Hence, try to make a habit to remember names if want to make a positive impression on people.
4.Be a good listener and encourage others to talk about themselves. Active Listening is one of the hardest, most difficult things we try to do on a daily basis as humans in a “Me” generation. Its no secret that most of us care only about ourselves, sometimes to a fault, which explains high divorce rates, hyper-individualism, etc. But if you build a habit to listen to others actively, you can surely win that person over the time.
5.Never miss the opportunity to make the other person feel important and special. However, don’t JUST try, first, you practice to see the positive aspects of every human being and then convey your appreciation intelligently.
