3 Enjoyable Weekend Habits That Set You Up for Success

The weekend is a time when employee focus on rest, relaxation, family and fun, but have you wondered that an efficient way of relaxation, having fun and spending time with family can actually set you for success? Psychologist Shivani Misri Sadhoo, today shares some enjoyable weekend habits that we can build for success.

1. If Possible Avoid Sleeping and Waking up late during the weekend.

Generally, many of us throw away our daily schedules, watch late night movies or simply get up very late in the morning. Such a practice is fine if we do once or twice, but if it’s been made into a habit then it may worsen a person’s mood and freshness level - every day, including weekdays. It’s not a good experience to start a day with un-fresh mood, so develop a daily sleeping habit that means a fixed time to go to bed and to wake up in the morning. Scientific studies have proven that a person who maintains a daily sleeping routine, gets adequate sleep everyday maintains a sharp brain, attentive mind and a physical body that is less prone to chronic diseases.

2. Make time for fun.

A weekend should be a break from work, not a continuation of it. Unfortunately, a large number of corporates work additional hours on weekends (entrepreneurs and business owners are especially). So don’t do it! Take the weekend to relax, unwind and pursue your hobbies.

If leisure time is a foreign concept to you, try spending time playing with your children, doing an art project, enjoying time with a spouse, or just going for a walk in nature and taking in the birds and scenery. Do something you’ll enjoy. Make a habit of having fun on weekends to clear your mind and come back to the office feeling refreshed.

3. Look at the big picture.

Weekends are an important opportunity to step back and look at the big picture. How are things going in your personal and professional life? An unhurried Saturday or Sunday is a good time to reflect and plan for your future. Are you happy with your career? Is your family life all you hoped it would be? If not, what kind of changes do you need to make? So make a habit of dedicating an hour or two in every weekend to evaluate your life's progress.
