How to Cultivate Positivity Thinking Habit with 4 Simple steps?

The benefits of positive emotions don’t stop after a few minutes of good feelings subside. The biggest benefit that positive emotions provide is an enhanced ability to build skills and develop resources for use later in life. In fact, Research shows that people with positive thoughts have stronger resistance to illness, better coping skills during tough times, reduced risk of coronary artery diseases, and less stress. Positive thinking isn't always a natural ability, but you can build it over time. Learn how to develop the strength of thinking positively and open up a whole new outlook on life. Today Psychologist Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares 4 simple tips that can help you to improve your positive thinking pattern.
1.  Practice meditation –meditation can develop brain’s positive thinking capabilities by many folds. A recent psychological study has shown that mindfulness meditation coupled with yoga in a group of breast cancer patients led to positive changes in the patients' DNA structure. So meditation can heal you from the inside out.
2.  Take note of 1 positive moment every day: Noticing the positive things that happen in your everyday life has been proven to be a successful method of increasing your positive thinking. In a recent study of 90 students, half of them were asked to write about positive experiences for three consecutive days. The second half wrote about control topics that didn’t affect their emotions. After three months, the study found that the students who had written about positive experiences still had better mood levels and fewer illnesses compared to those who didn’t.

 3.    Get your necessary sleep: Getting an appropriate amount of sleep can drastically influence your optimism. When people are sleep-deprived, they experience a deficit in optimism, tending to be less hopeful and positive. Even children who get good qualitative and quantitative sleep are more cheerful. Hence, aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night by developing a strict and healthy bedtime routine.

4. Indulge in a sport: When you can schedule your calendar for meetings, conferences, parties, then why can’t you try to get some time one in a week to start a sport ? Playing allows the brain to extract happiness hormones that let the mind stay positive for a longer period of time.
