Do you know you can read People by the Words they Speak

If the eyes are the window to the soul, then words are the gateway to the mind. Words represent thoughts. The closest one person can get to understand another person's thought is to listen to the words that he or she speaks or writes. 

Do you know words reflect the behavioral characteristics of the person who spoke or wrote about them? These word clues can increase your probability of predicting the behavioral characteristics of people by analyzing the words with which they communicate.

Hence if you practice and learn the word clues, you probably gain huge mileage to your decision-making capabilities in your professional and personal life. Psychologist and Marriage Counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares some interesting tips on how to read people by their choice of words. 

1) Look for use of the word “another”
Check if the person uses the word ‘another’, too frequently to express self-achievements; likes I won another award, I have own another flat in Delhi etc.  This generally indicates that the person wanted to ensure that other people know that he or she won at least one other award, thus bolstering his or her self-image. This person may need the adulation of others to reinforce his or her self-esteem. Observers could exploit this vulnerability by using flattery and other ego-enhancing comments.
2) User of the word “Hard”
The Word Clue "hard" generally suggests that person values challenges or targets that are difficult to achieve, like “I have won a hard target”. Perhaps the goal this person achieved is more difficult than the goals that he or she usually attempts. The Word Clue "hard" also suggests that this person can defer gratification or holds the belief that hard work and dedication produces good results. A job applicant with these characteristics would more likely make a good employee because he or she would accept challenges and have the determination to successfully complete those tasks.
3.  Use of the word ‘right’

For example, “I did the right thing”, the Word Clue "right" suggests that this person struggled with a legal, moral, or ethical dilemma and overcame some level of internal or external opposition to make a fair and just decision. This behavioral trait indicates that this person has sufficient strength of character to make the right decision even when confronted with opposing views.
