What Do Happy People Do Differently In Their Life?

As like Dalai Lama has said, “Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.” True happiness is not dependent on luck, favorable circumstances, money, etc. The absence of these factors may cause dissatisfaction but getting them is not an answer to true happiness, rather the pursuit of earning money, success, assets, luxury etc. is a never ending process. More we get, more we want more and it never ends.  

Psychological science identifies true happiness depends on the mindset and attitude of a person. Happy people do certain things that improve their ability to find happiness. Today Relationship and Marriage Counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo share those factors that can help you find real happiness.

Find balance in their lives.

People who are happy are always content with what they have and they don’t waste a whole lot of time worrying and stressing over things they don’t have. Unhappy people do the opposite: they spend too much time thinking about what they don’t have. Happy people lead balanced lives. This means they make time for all the things that are important to them, whether it’s family, friends, career, health, religion, etc.

Build a strong social bond.

Happy folks stay connected to their friends, families, neighbors and with their professional associates. These strong connections and bonds help the person to stay anchored when there they are hit by downfalls or tragedies. In fact, loneliness is one of the primary triggers of depression and other mental illnesses. 

Practice gratitude. 

Being grateful always feels good and it is one of the key traits of people who stay happy. Gratitude, the state or feeling of being thankful, is an almost universal concept amongst world cultures and nearly all of the world’s spiritual traditions emphasize the importance of giving thanks to benefactors, god, nature etc.

Keep an optimistic thinking style.

Happy people focus their time and energy on situations and things where they have control. They know when to move on if certain strategies aren’t working or if they don’t have control in a specific area. They understand that life cannot be always a smooth ride, there would be ups and downs and low phase won’t last forever – Unless it’s been lived for long by the person through cribbing, complaining and cursing self, others and the situation.
