Why We All Must Develop a Purpose of Life?

We all set goals in our life, we follow them, work very hard to achieve them and then compare our goals and achievements to decide if we have succeeded or not. But have you ever wondered, what is the “life purpose”?

A life purpose is simply your life’s message. It is the message you wish to give to the world during your existence on Earth (and beyond). Having a life purpose applies to all of us, whether we are religious, non-religious, or atheistic.

So why life’s purpose so important? According to Counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo, if there is one factor that influences our ability to live a meaningful life it’s having a sense of purpose — a reason not to live a robot life that runs by codes of daily timetable and by professional & social obligations & goals. Counsellor Sadhoo says having a purpose in life largely enhances our life due to the following reasons.

Develop a Sense of Purpose

Not only does a sense of purpose fuels a sense of meaning in life, but it also brings with it more time to enjoy that. Having a sense of purpose in life not only increases the quality of our lives but may also help us to live longer — regardless of our age.

Purpose can influence physical health

A 2009 study of over 73,000 Japanese men and women found that those who had a strong connection to their sense of purpose tended to live longer than those who didn’t.
Another study in 2008 found that a lower level of purpose in Japanese men was associated with earlier death and cardiovascular diseases. More research in this area showed that “purpose is a possible protective factor against near-future myocardial infarction among those with coronary heart diseases.”

Purpose leads to better relationships

A 2009 study assessing the purpose of over 1,000 adults found that those with a high sense of meaning in their lives spent more time and attention on their loved ones and communities. On the whole, people with purpose, as a result, tend to be more engaged with their families, colleagues, and neighbours, enjoying more satisfying relationships 
