Staying alert about these facts in your day to day life can positively shape your relationship and marriage.
During the initial stages of the relationship, a lot of times, it has been witnessed that one partner is so madly in love that he/she starts giving up lot more than what he/she should. The person may even stop to think clearly and all that occupies their mind is, their partner.
According to Relationship and Marriage Counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo, such intense focus on their partner can sometimes consume the person to the point where their partners may start taking them for granted. Counsellor Shivani says that compromise is healthy, but it’s important not to compromise to the point where you begin to lose yourself. Hence she shares 5 areas that one should never compromise in their relationship.
1. Self-Worth
In any point of your relationship, if you find your partner is affecting your self-worth then you must act immediately. Relationship adds to a person’s growth, not the other way round. Hence no matter how innocent your partner’s direct or sarcastic criticisms may sound, if you let it continue in the name of love, remember the intensity and frequency of it destroying your relationship will eventually increase. So ask your partner not to criticise or discuss openly that his/her jokes or comments affect you or the relationship you share with the person.
2. Personal beliefs
No matter how much in love you are, nodding or smiling against your personal belief to your partner should never be practised. If you strongly feel a certain way about an issue that is near and dear to your heart, you shouldn’t be made to feel that you have to adjust your views just to keep someone close and happy. Once you start compromising your values and beliefs, you’re likely to start compromising on other things as well and that will gradually make your life miserable and damage your relationship’s longevity.
3. Self-Respect
Your partner should always treat you with respect. Even if you’re having an argument and you’re both angry with each other, he or she should still speak to you respectfully. Remember disrespect, hostility, and lack of empathy in such moments represent a crucial weakness that will impair any couple’s ability to manage stress and conflict productively.
What can you do? Talk to your partner about setting some ground rules for conflict, improving your conflict management skills and make efforts to understand each other’s perspective in order to increase empathy, love and happiness.
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