5 Ways To Maintain Work-Life Balance As A Couple By Relationship Counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo
In today’s fast moving lifestyle with a demanding professional life, daily traffic congestions, mounting EMIs and other day-to-day challenges, couples end up with little time to spend at home, with each other. Hence, many couples today are struggling to sustain the romance and bonding in their relationship and this is gradually becoming a major reason for separation in today’s society.
That is why maintaining a balance between your personal and professional life becomes of utmost importance for couples. Here are some vital tips to juggle day-to-day work responsibilities while not sacrificing quality time with your partner.
1. Develop A Realistic Approach Towards Life
Ambition is good but over or unrealistic ambition can destroy the quality of life. Many couples get themselves into excessive financial pressure as they push themselves to buy a car or a house for a price more than they can afford. This puts them under extensive financial burden, anxiety, stress and professional performance pressure. Hence, it’s important to build a strong financial plan with your partner – focus more on saving, plan your future expenditure, medical plans etc, prior to starting your life together.
2. Setting Values And Priorities
Balancing work and family life often comes down to the question of values, priorities and adjustment abilities. One of the first things that couples should do to bring life-work balance is to think and realise that your happy family life is far more important than long hours at the office and a total focus on the fulfilment of personal career objectives.
3. Improved Communication
If you experience difficulties in your relationship due to work-life disbalance then talk directly to your partner. Discuss the stress you both are experiencing due to your current lifestyle and explore together what can be done to restore balance. Beginning the process of restoring balance in your life could start with negotiating and agreeing on your shared priorities and having done that, agree on any changes that need to be made. This may result in a number of changes; having more realistic expectations from each other, making more time for each other, agreeing not to bring work home and perhaps even changing your job.
4. Set Boundaries
Many times a person gets so involved in his/her job that they begin to start and end their day thinking only about their work. When they come home, they talk to their partner about what their boss said today, how he/she suspects foul play of colleagues, chances for promotion and so on. Remember that the way you are passionate about your job, your partner is about his/hers too. Hence, don’t take your partner and your time together for granted. Leave your office outside your home when you enter your house. Work-life balance can fall apart when people don’t understand boundaries. The workplace, for many people in a relationship, is their own personal space. And whether it’s your time in the office, what you worked on, whom you were working with or what your career opportunities include, your partner may think differently about them. Setting boundaries about your work with your partner will help you and your partner get time and have conversations that will help your relationship and bonding.
5. Set Dates
Once a couple realises that their poor work and life balance is disrupting their relationship and after they agree to improve it, they should try to make the time they plan to spend together special. Hence, mark the calendar to go for a dinner, watch a movie together and go for a long drive - at least once a month.
About The Author: Shivani Misri Sadhoo is an eminent Psychologist and Marriage Counsellor in Delhi. She is experienced and certified Counseling Psychologist with specialization in the area of Personal Crisis interventions like coping-up with Relationship Issues, Marital Counselling, Separation & Divorce, Child and Adolescent issues, Depression, Stress, Domestic and Sexual Abuse, Loss & Grief, Suicidal feelings. Counsellor Shivani is currently working with India 's top hospital groups like Fortis Hospital, IBS (Indian Brain & Spine) Hospital and Express Clinics.
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