Signs That You Are In A Long Term Relationship

Nowadays, getting into a relationship or maintaining one is becoming trickier than ever before. Relationships are an integral part of human nature. The key thing about relationships is that the more it grows the better it becomes. If you are single and seeking for a relationship, I am sure that most of you would like to get into a substantial and long-lasting relationship. Or in case you are already in a relationship, then you would like to ensure to make it last longer. However, the question arises what are signs in a person which indicates towards their keenness for a long and stable relationship?

In this article, renowned relationship expert, Marriage Counsellor and Psychologist Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares a few potential signs that may your togetherness for a long time.

Above All Else, You Are Really Good Friends

If you do not consider yourselves to be friends, the relationship is not going to last long. If it is only about passion, drama, and excitement, the relationship will not last barring a few days. Obviously, everyone feels like they have to show their feelings but it should come from a situation of really feeling like your unfiltered feelings are valued. Good friendship lays the foundation of a good relationship.

You Each Have Your Own Things Going On

So here is the situation where it is important that you are a very close friend of your partner. But it is not necessary that you will be the ONLY close friend. There might be times when your partner may not be able to go on a date with you every week. Self-intimacy is important but, you need to allow the growth for your own self and this is not possible if you are constantly in touch with each other. Giving each other space and time further increases the chance towards a long-lasting relationship.

You Are Not Afraid To Express Yourself

Every relationship can have its share of ups and downs. Telling your partner about your feelings or what you need can greatly improve the relationship. As it will present a sense of feeling that you are honest towards your partner and are not afraid to express your concerns and willing to discuss them.

Your Arguments Actually Bring You Closer

No relationship is free of arguments. Having healthy arguments is a good thing. Because when you have a healthy argument, it shows that you are on the correct path as it is not about proving each other wrong. Constructive arguments can bring you closer to each other. The closer you come, the chances become better towards a long-lasting relationship.

You Enjoy Each Other’s Success

Whether your partner has a better job or is making more money than you, feeling of being unequal can lead to plenty of problems. But when you start enjoying your partner’s success or vice versa, things become easier and smooth. This way you are sending your partner a strong message that you like their success and achievements just like the way you love yours’. It creates a healthy and mutual bonding towards a relationship which will last longer than you expect.
