Your life is like a rollercoaster one moment up and other down. And sometimes this can be really tiresome. You get ponder at times because of the constant highs and lows of life. All the unpredictability or uncertainties can really mess up one’s physical and mental body.
And in spite of the reality that sometimes it can be really difficult to say if you are physically exhausted or mentally or emotionally tired. Or you simply end up losing all the hope for the existing future. It is probably a safe bet for a person to take a good rest in this type of situation.
Whenever life strikes you with some jitters along the way it is important to cool off for a few moments and allow others to take the charge. Taking some time off does not means giving up. It is just giving yourself time to make self-love and healing.
In this article, Delhi’s eminent psychologist and marriage counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo talks about the signs you are emotionally and mentally exhausted. Here are a few of those signs.

You Easily Get Irritated
As days progress you feel hopeless. The lack of ability and power makes you feel more irritated. You should be out making the best of it, but you feel safer to avoid any possibility of contacting with the outer world. Do not beat yourself up. Everybody goes through that phase. Instead of uselessly wasting your time. Work on yourself.
Your Motivational Levels are lower
You feel like you are not able to get the work done. You constantly struggle to get the motivation which you need. The goals that once encouraged you to work hard is not sufficient. If this is your situation you need to have some rest. Do not push yourself that harder. Inspiration can be found anywhere and you will find it when you least expect it.
You Have Trouble Sleeping
You regularly feel like you are out of place. The extreme feeling of mental or emotional exhaustion makes it difficult for you to calm your thoughts and fall asleep. While insomnia becomes just another thing on the list.
You Feel Anxiety Attacks More Than Usual
Due to the result of your over-exhaustion, you feel more stressed than normal. Anxiety attacks become a regular routine. Please, do not get panicked or afraid. Give yourself some time along and try to find out what you need in life.
Meaningless or Unnecessary Things Upsets You
Because of your heightened sensitivity, you feel much more intense than usual. You get upset over minor things and due to intense feelings, it brings tears to your eyes. Never let yourself suffer. Take some time off and rebuild your world. Does not matter how difficult it is. It will be worth it.
You Feel Like Crying Without Any Reason
When you are in a bad situation of your life it appears that the entire world is conspiring against you. Your senses are increased you suddenly enter into a hypersensitive area in which even the smallest of jokes can bring tears in your eyes. When you are exhausted physically and particularly mentally you pretty much lose the ability to cope with the challenging and tricky situations of daily life. So the only mechanism that is left is to cry.
You Start To Feel Detached
After a while, you end up feeling numb. You do not feel good nor bad. You reach a state of senseless. It is a stage where you lose every hope. So, please never allow yourself to reach that phase. Every time you feel even the smallest negative change in your wellbeing, stop there and relax. Take your time, breath out and look to heal your wounds. You can overcome any situation. You only need to love yourself first.
