These days it is quite common either you are identified as an introvert or an extrovert. But what about those who do not belong to any of the categories. If you are not an example of an introvert or an extrovert then do not worry. You might be an ambivert.
Do not feel trivial if you feel you do not belong to the spectrum of the introversion and extroversion. In fact, if you know which environs makes you flourish can certainly help you to have a better relationship with others.
In this article, Delhi’s eminent psychologist and relationship expert Shivani Misri Sadhoo talks about the signs you are an ambivert.
Your Friends Have A Difficult Time Classifying You As An Introvert Or An Extrovert
This is perhaps one of the best signs that you might be an ambivert. Often at times, you can manipulate your thoughts into making yourselves believe you possess a desirable personality trait. Your friends might even know you better than you know yourself, particularly when it comes to judging how you tend to behave socially. If they are confused, you may very well be an ambivert.
You Are Generally Satisfied With Your Weekend Plans
Whether you have been invited to a big party or you have decided to eat in and watch movies with a close buddy, you are satisfied, and even happy. This might have to do with you being a happy person in general, or it could be your body making it much simpler for you to feel that way. Being an introvert or an extravert means more than just being sociable or not being at all, it also affects how easily you are kindled by external stimuli. Introverts usually, have low thresholds for stimulation, means they are affected by the weakest of stimuli and tend to seek out calm and quiet places, while extroverts have high thresholds for stimulation, thus it takes a lot of extra chaos for them to feel stimulated. Ambiverts, unlike introverts and extraverts, do not have very high or low thresholds for stimulation, allowing them to feel relaxed in almost all environments, in this case particularly during weekend plans.
During Conversations You Know When To Stay Quiet And When to Speak, And You Do Them Both Relatively Easily
An introvert person might know when to talk, because of their hypersensitivity in social situations, but may not feel like speaking out in a large gathering of people. An extrovert, on the other hand, may not realize when to stop talking. Ambiverts are right in the middle, so they are more intuitive than extroverts when it comes to knowing when their input is needed, and less likely than introverts to keep quiet in social contexts. Again, to clear up, introverts can also speak up and extroverts can keep silent, but the ease which ambiverts possess while performing these tasks is not possessed by the other 2 kinds of people.
If you find that making the correct decision in social situations are relatively easier for you than it is for your introvert and extrovert friends, you might be an ambivert.
You Are Emotionally Stable During A Concert, A Meditation Session And Everything In Between
Introvert individuals find that they are emotionally stable in quieter places, while extroverts normally flourish in louder, more lively places. An introvert in a loud atmosphere will find it difficult to remain emotionally stable, while an extrovert will feel difficulty in quiet places. Ambiverts have the benefit in most situations because they are quite adaptable, which also makes them emotionally balanced during a wider range of experiences from the ear damaging loud music at a concert to the quiet bliss of a meditations session.
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